Zachary Cummins zcummins92 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 06:20:10 PDT 2012


I am in desperate need of some last minute instrumentalists to play in the pit for The Wizard of Oz with Walton Hills' Summer on the Stage Program.

Heres is the information:

The performances are Friday July 27th at 7pm and Sunday July 29th at 2pm. Tech rehearsals are Monday through Thursday of that week 1pm-6pm (Thursday's is till 7). I understand if you cannot make Tech rehearsals because of work but would REALLY like to have as much of the pit as possible at least for Thursdays rehearsal so the kids know what they are going to be singing with. I want to also have possibly a pit rehearsal either this week or early next week in the evenings some time just so we can get our stuff together. The time and date of that rehearsal would depend on the schedule of the rest of the pit. All performances and tech rehearsals will take place at Bedford High School. Pit rehearsal locations are TBA.

Here is what we are looking for (bolded instruments are in most need):

1)Reed I - Alto Saxophone, Clarinet, and Bass Clarinet
2)Reed II - Tenor Saxophone, Flute and Clarinet
3)Reed III - Baritone Saxophone, Flute, and Clarinet
4) Horn I
5)Horn II
6)Trumpet I
7) Trumpet II
8) Percussion
10) Violin I
11) Violin II
12) Viola
13) Cello
14) Bass
15) Oboe/English Horn

As you can see, there are a lot of seats to fill. 

Walton Hills Summer on the Stage program is a non-profit educational theater program so we are looking for instrumentalist that are able to volunteer their time for either service hours or a charitable donation. College students and High School students with the proper skill level are MORE than welcome.

If you are interested or know someone one that would be interested PLEASE email me at zcummins92 at gmail.com. This isn't much of a time commitment and is a wonderful experience giving children the chance to get on stage and experience theater.

Thank you SO much!

Zach Cummins
Music Director
Walton Hills Summer on the Stage
Village of walton Hills Recreation and Community life Department
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