[NEohioPAL] Paid Soprano Position

Jim Riggs jriggs at plymouthchurchucc.org
Mon Aug 27 12:44:17 PDT 2012

Plymouth Church is in need of a soprano soloist/section leader to sing in a semi-professional, SATB choral ensemble for the 2012-2013 choral year, beginning in mid-September.

Plymouth Church is affiliated with the United Church of Christ and is an Open and Affirming congregation. A diverse repertoire from traditional church music, spirituals, world music, and chant.

One weekly rehearsal on THURSDAYS from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm.  One service on Sunday morning at 10:30 am, with warm-up/call at 9:45 am.  Additional services (Christmas Eve/Holy Week) and occasional concerts as well, for which additional compensation will be provided.

This is a paid position and is negotiable based on education and experience.

Contact Minister of Music and The Arts, James Riggs if interested or for more information at jriggs at plymouthchurchucc.org<mailto:jriggs at plymouthchurchucc.org>

James P. Riggs, Minister of Music and The Arts
Plymouth Church, UCC
2860 Coventry Road
Shaker Heights, OH  44120
216.921.3510 x34
An Open and Affirming Church of the UCC

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