[NEohioPAL] Actors Needed for Comedy Sketch on Oct 21st

Dennis Shanaberg dshanaberg at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 06:47:16 PDT 2012

We are in need of several actors for a series of five video shorts.

The series of videos oppose some of the more dogmatic and
overly-conservative aspects of the Romney campaign.  They will be comedy
sketches filmed in the style of silent films.  They are chock -full of
layers of satirical symbolism, or at least that’s what we are going for.

The videos contain no dialogue, only heavy blocking.  They will be shot in
the Mentor area and downtown-Cleveland.  Our aim is to wrap the entire
shoot on Sunday, October 21st.  The videos would be uploaded to YouTube
within the week to usher in election week.  The five videos will each be
between :30 seconds and 1:00 long, so with the exception of the lead actor
(BOURGE), most will only be needed for a short scene, and thus minimal
shooting time.  They will be asked to provide their own make-up--if they
have it, and costumes from their own wardrobe; accommodations will be made
as needed.

This is an unpaid project for non-Equity/Union actors, but the final video
will be available online and might serve as a worthwhile portfolio piece.
It is an excellent opportunity for students and experienced actors to
showcase their ability.  Actors don’t necessarily need to agree with the
message of the video series, but those who do might consider the cause as
an additional incentive.  Additionally, in the description of the video, we
will link to any professional website actors might have.

Actors needed are to fill the following roles:

BOURGE:  An angry business man.  Age: Upper 20s to younger 40s.  Wearing a
business suit with a patriotic tie, and riding a bike.  (Actor would be
asked to provide their own suit, and if they have a bike that they can ride
comfortably.  The tie will be provided for them.  The actor is in four of
the five shorts, so they would be there for the entire day shoot.)

SAM: An average-looking middle class man.  Age: 18-30.  (Clothing will be
determined based on the actor selected: Either a basic suit or street
clothes.)  (This actor will be in the entire second video which will be
filmed in downtown Cleveland.)

ZEKE and ROY:  A gay male couple.  Ages: 18-30.  We do not want these to
fulfill gay stereotypes.  Just two average males, who will be holding hands
in the video.  (Clothing:  street clothes: preferably button-down or polo,
and jeans.)  (These actors will appear in the third video very briefly and
their portion of the shoot should not take very long.)

JUNO: Mildly pregnant young woman.  Age: 18-25.  (Clothing: loose, basic
hoodie, and sweatpants, no logos.)  (This actress will be in a short scene
in the third video, and so her part of the shoot should be wrapped rather
quickly.  Actress will have a book thrown at her face.  While we will do
our best to insure no injury, keep this in mind before taking the role.)

AARP: Elderly, sickly man.  Age: 45 and up, the older you look the better.
(Clothing: Whatever will age the man the most, loose sweater, oversized
khakis would work.  The man will have his cane kicked out from beneath him,
so he must be capable to enduring a slight fall.  This actor will be in the
shortest scene of the third video, and so his part of the shoot should be
wrapped rather quickly.)

ROSIE: Modern woman, fairly attractive.  Age: 18-30.  (Clothing: Any type
of clothing would work, should accentuate her femininity, but also be an
average, every day outfit, nothing to flashy.  This actress will be in a
short scene in the third video, and so her part of the shoot should be
wrapped rather quickly.)


Actors must be available for Sunday, October 21st.  The shoot will take
place even if the weather is chilly.  If it rains or weather conditions are
too harsh, the shoot may be rescheduled for later that week.

Actors need to be able to drive to locations in Mentor and Cleveland as
their parts require.  If someone needs to carpool, a meeting point will be

Additionally, actors will have to sign release forms that will be emailed
to them.

If you are interested in any of the roles, please email me: Dennis
Shanaberg at dshanaberg at gmail.com as soon as possible.  Those interested
should provide name, phone number, the role they are interested in, and a
headshot.  Additional photos or acting videos would be even more helpful
for determining roles.  As actors are selected, more information and
release forms will be emailed to them.  Thank you for your time and
interest, and we hope to hear from you all soon.
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