[NEohioPAL] Kory's Review: Les Misérables @ PlayhouseSquare

Kory OnTheRadio radiokory at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 15:08:06 PST 2013

Les Misérables is a well acted, fluid, technical marvel that has to be seen
to be believed!

Read More:

**Middays 10AM-3PM* <http://new102.com/kory> (New 102)
*Assistant Music Director* (Radio 92.3 HD2)
*Theater Critic*
<http://wdok.radio.com/category/korys-theatre-reviews/>(Member of
Critics Circle <http://www.clevelandtheaterreviews.com/>)

*Cleveland's New 102* <http://new102.com/> - *Better Music* (WDOK-FM)

One Radio Lane

Cleveland, OH 44114
*Corporate  E-Mail*: Kory at New102.com
*Facebook*: http://www.facebook.com/ItsKory
*Twitter*: @KoryOnTheRadio <http://twitter.com/koryontheradio>
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