[NEohioPAL] Audition workshop for 14-18yr olds w/ BROADWAY COACH Trapper Felides (Feb 15th!!)

Sean Szaller seanszaller at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 7 21:01:51 PST 2013

If you are 14-18 years old (or can you believably play in that age range) and you are SERIOUS about making it professionally in theatre, then you need to read this!!
On Friday, 2/15, Trapper Felides will be visiting Cleveland, and has offered to teach a masterclass to interested students. Who is Trapper Felides? He is one of the premiere vocal/audition coaches in NYC who works almost EXCLUSIVELY with children, tweens, and teens. If you see a musical on Broadway that has a child or teen in it, it's very likely that they have worked with (or are currently working with) Trapper. In addition, he was the star of the reality TV show "The Next Big Thing: NY" on the Oxygen Network last year. Cleveland's own Isabela Moner (who appeared in Evita on Broadway last year) is one of his students and was showcased on the TV show with him.

Trapper is a no-nonsense coach. He doesn't sugarcoat - he will help you learn what you really need to do if you want to make it in NY. This workshop is geared towards SERIOUS performers only. Do you have aspirations to work at the professional level? If so, then this masterclass is one you won't want to miss!! In addition, Trapper will be holding a talkback session for parents so they can learn the ins and outs of a professional theater career in NYC.

Here are the details:

WHEN: Friday, February 15th; 5-8pm (masterclass), 8-9pm (parent talkback)

WHERE: The Idea Center @ Playhouse Square

HOW MUCH: $100 per student; Trapper ususally charges $100 or more per hour for his private coaching sessions in NYC, so this is a VERY good deal!!

WHO CAN ATTEND: Anyone between the ages of 14-18 who is SERIOUS about taking their career to the next level. This will be a truly intense workshop, so be ready to bring your A-game!

WHAT TO PREPARE: Bring your "book" (binder of audition songs) with you and be ready to sing. Trapper will coach students on how to really market themselves and sell their material.

PLEASE NOTE: In order for this masterclass to happen, we MUST have between 15-25 students sign up. Unfortunately, we will be unable to hold the workshop if too few students enroll.

If you want to reserve a spot for this exciting opportunity, you must email:
 ClevelandAuditionWorkshop at gmail.com  ASAP!

Full details and information can also be found at: http://www.seanszaller.com/#!trapper-info/c1paf
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