[NEohioPAL] Extras Casting - Paid

NATALIE BAUMAN natbauman at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 12 20:36:20 PST 2013

PAID extras for a series of emergency situation training videos for local university. 
Casting Date: Friday, November 15, 2014    10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. 15 minute appointments available
Casting Location: Cube Cleveland at corner of Fairmount and Cedar Avenue, 2460 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106.  Second floor conference room next to Tara Yoga
Shoot Dates: Not firm yet - next three weeks. We'll book your roles based on your availability, and will try to give reasonable windows of time so not to waste your time. 
RATES:  Extras who work 4 hours or less will receive $25, those who work more will be paid $50. 
Actors needed:
One male, early 20s to early 30s to play assailant. 
Variety of male/females of diverse ethnicities to portray office workers, college students, college instructors. 
Non-union only please.
Please contact me at natbauman at sbcglobal.net to schedule a short audition for this Friday, or if you're interested in the shoot but can't make it, email me your resume and a picture and we'll go from there. Please write ALICE Casting in your email. 
Thanks for your interest and we look forward to seeing you. 
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