[NEohioPAL] CPT is now accepting applications for Big Box 2016

Caitlin Lewins via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Apr 6 07:43:27 PDT 2015

Cleveland Public Theatre

Local Request for Proposals

Big Box

Deadline for submissions is

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Big Box has been the centerpiece of Cleveland Public Theatre's season over the past twelve years. New work development is a core value at CPT, and we are always looking for the best way to support the new work by Northeast Ohio artists. Big Box has played an integral role in new work moving onto full, professional productions (at CPT and elsewhere) and the formation and growth of three local theatres. We are proud of Big Box's impact on our artistic community over the years.

The idea of Big Box from its inception has been to serve as a launch pad for artists who are ready to move work forward. Big Box 2016 will focus more on this goal and we are seeking work in development that has extraordinary potential for future success. Future success includes, but is not limited to, full professional productions and tours. CPT believes that the greatest strength of Big Box is its ability to function as an incubator of new work and artistic growth. We anticipate that this greater focus will limit selection to 4 - 6 exceptional projects ready to move to the next level after a workshop production.

If you have applied to the Big Box Series before-it's important that you read the new guidelines and adjust your proposal accordingly.

Big Box 2016 Guidelines

Big Box offers artists or groups the opportunity to self-produce original works of theatre, dance, performance art, music or genre defying performances. We open the doors and support artists experimenting, charting their own course, making their own decisions and taking their own risks.

CPT offers organizational guidance through strict deadlines and clear deliverables, and provides resources of space, equipment, front-of-house, basic technical and marketing support. In Big Box 2016, CPT will be investing more in projects by providing guidance. We will invest more time, provide additional training in self-producing and may play a minimal role in the development of work.

Big Box features premiere workshop productions. This series is not about huge production values. This series is for developing new work beyond a staged-reading or rough draft, but just short of a full production. This is about core artistry, not fancy finishes. The artist shouldn't get too caught up in elaborate plans, because they don't have much time in the space. However, don't confuse minimalism and resourcefulness with lack of style and quality.

While CPT will produce a direct mail piece advertising the series, and therefore all of the artists/groups, it is up to the individual artists/groups to promote their own show. We will send out a press release for listings only, provide flyer templates, offer use of copy machine and may be able to help with distribution. Since the work being done is in development, there will be no critics invited.
Big Box 2016 Series Logistics

  *   CPT will select four or more artists/groups to be part of Big Box.
  *   Each artist/group will be required to attend 3 - 4 informational meetings and professional development sessions, to be scheduled on Saturday mornings July - December, 2015.

  *   Each artist/group has access to the James Levin Theatre for one week, Sunday through Saturday.
  *   Performances are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:00pm.
  *   Timing of Bog Box is currently in flux due to potential construction. The series may run in the months of January, February or March.
  *   The James Levin Theatre is set up with a repertory lighting and sound plot suitable for theatre and dance. Each artist will have a few lighting instruments that can be moved around for their specific needs, but the lighting plot must remain intact.
  *   Each project will receive a minimum guarantee of $750 ($500 each for projects sharing a double bill) against gross box office split of 50/50 (30/30/40 for double bills). For example if a project makes $1000 at the box office the project will still get $750. If the box office is $4000, the project will get a total of $2000, an additional $1250 over the original $750.
  *   CPT provides a Big Box series Stage Manager, box office and house staff, but it is up to each artist to provide their own artistic collaborators and technical staff.
  *   CPT will provide production guidance, coaching and training in self-producing and may play a small role in advising the development of a piece.

Selection Criteria

In selecting projects for our New Work Development Series we will look at a number of factors.

Adventurous, New Work
Is the work adventurous and new? CPT has a history of producing work that no one else in town will produce because it is somehow "outside the box." Artists proposing for CPT's development series are encouraged to consider why CPT is the right place for their project to grow.

Artistic Growth
How will participation in this program impact the applicant professionally and artistically? CPT wants to have a real impact on the community and provide resources to projects that will benefit the most.

Potential for Production Life after Big Box
Is there a plan to move the project forward after Big Box and what does it entail? How does the artist/group plan to continue developing the piece and move towards a full production or tour?

Leadership Skills
Has the artist/group demonstrated the ability to produce and create the proposed work? We aren't looking for top notch producers, but we do want to feel confident that the artist/group has a clear understanding of what it takes to pull off a show and how to assess their own capacity.

All artistic enterprises require risk and there are no guarantees. However, it's important to demonstrate a level of artistic excellence and an understanding of artistry. This might be demonstrated in a work sample, résumés of lead artists, script of past or current work or in a project summary. Video materials are NOT necessary to apply, but can be helpful in demonstrating artistic level.
Advice to Applicants

Incomplete Script/Project
If you are submitting an incomplete script or project please explain the process for completing the script. For example, what are your deadlines for the script and who will you be working with to give you feedback along the way?

Applying as a Playwright or Performer
Please identify who will direct your piece. CPT rarely accepts proposals in which the playwright or performer will be the director as well.

If you are devising, then please explain the devising process and the structure (hierarchy) of the collaborators. Without a script to judge artistic merit, experience in devising work is important.  CPT rarely accepts proposals in which the main deviser is also an actor in the show.

Non-"theatre" proposals
Big Box often includes work that is not considered "theatre" by the conventional definition-we have included music composition, dance, performance art and opera. It is important for applicants in the non-theatre arena to explain their process and how Big Box will serve the development of the work.

Applying for Big Box

If you would like to be considered for the 2016 Big Box Series, please complete the application form.

Deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 30, 2015.


Please contact:           Caitlin Lewins
                                    New Play Associate
                                    216-631-2727 x 211
                                    clewins at cptonline.org<mailto:clewins at cptonline.org>

Big Box '16 Application<http://www.cptonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Big-Box-16-RFP-Final1.pdf> - Deadline: Thursday, April 30, 2015

Once you've clicked the link, right click on the application and save. If you attempt to fill out the application in your web browser, it will not save any information you enter.

Caitlin Lewins
New Play Associate
Cleveland Public Theatre
6415 Detroit Ave
Cleveland OH, 44102
(216) 631-2727 x211

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