[NEohioPAL] 48 Hours Film Project - Cleveland - July 10-12

Arina Băjan-Zaciu via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue May 26 13:27:20 PDT 2015

Hello -

   I've registered a team for the 2015 Cleveland 48 Hour Film Project event
taking palce July 10 through 12.
If you're unfamiliar with the project, it's exactly as it sounds. From
Friday evening at 7pm, once each team has been given a genre, we start
brainstorming, coming up with the story, filming and editing into a final
short turned in no later than 7:30pm Sunday evening.
The shorts will be shown at the Capitol Theatre on July 22nd-23rd.

If anyone would be interested in joining my team (unpaid, but fed), or
curious to know more (www.48hourfilm.com), please e-mail me (
arinaabz at gmail.com). You can see some of my work at www.vimeo.com/arinaabz
Although the story will come the weekend of, I can share some basic
aspirations and examples of personal inspiration:
- my goal is positivity, peace, compassion.
- not looking for any swearing or violence
- bright, colorful or monochromatic, but clean
- My inspirations and favourites at the moment: Eureka (tv show - for its
idea, intelligent comedy), Tomorrowland (similar to Eureka - good
cinematography, current events, positive, not focused on the villain, on
the fight, but rather on the concept), Broadchurch (best cinematography at
the moment hands down, for me) and finally, Taylor Swift's "Style" music
video (not a fan of hers, but the music video has the retro flickers with
interesting effects). I love keeping audience guessing, making movies
fun like a game.

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