[NEohioPAL] "Beyond the Mask"- a family film opening June 5th, 2015 in theatres around you

Annie Kitral via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Jun 1 14:20:25 PDT 2015

To my fellow neohiopals,

Please come see "Beyond the Mask", a Christian action-adventure romance film
set during the international turmoil of the revolutionary war.  It's a
wonderful period piece starring Andrew Cheney,  Kara Killmer, John
Rhys-Davies (with a supporting role by your fellow neohiopaler, Annie
Kitral).  Go to BeyondtheMaskMovie.com to see a trailer and find out where
and when it will be playing.  We're trying to get it to the Cinemark at
Valley View, Ohio, so you might try calling the Cinemark there at
216.447-8820 and ask the manager when they are planning to screen it.   A
great big 'Thank You'  to all my dear neohiopalers (especially Fred
Sternfeld).   Below please find a brief synopsis of the film . I  hope to
see you at the movies . and I hope you enjoy the film ... again, Thank You .

The leading mercenary for the British East India Company, Will Reynolds has
just been double-crossed and now is on the run in the American Colonies.
Working to redeem his name and win back the affections of the woman with
whom he's never been fully truthful, Will now hides behind a new mask in
hopes of thwarting his former employer. As his past life closes in on him,
Will must somehow gain the trust and the help of his beloved Charlotte-as
well as Ben Franklin-while he races against time to defuse a plot of
historical proportions. Coming to theaters Spring, 2015, BEYOND THE MASK is
a revolutionary new family film that brings history to life in a
faith-filled adventure celebrating grace, liberty, and the true freedom that
can only be found in Christ.   Tickets and show times at


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