[NEohioPAL] The CORE ACTOR's WORKSHOP in BARBERTON - June 7th, 10am - 5pm

via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Jun 1 22:04:28 PDT 2015

The CORE Acting Workshop is a great opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and crush that box that society so desperately wants to keep you in. 

We will share methods with you that will assist you in utilizing all 4 zones of your core for maximum emotional honesty within your work. Join us. Learn to act from the heart.
*Please bring a lunch and wear comfortable clothing.

Instructor Lana Read is the director for two of my latest film projects from Garnet Films. 
Based in Cincinnati, She is bringing her talents and knowledge to Northern Ohio to share an interactive learning experience that promises to be lots of fun. 

Acting is about feelings and relating to your character. Making the audience believe you is the easy part. Convincing yourself is another thing all together. Lack of confidence and a programmed internal belief are all that stands in your way from achieving the peace and versatility you seek as an actor.

Inside lies all the tools you will ever need to succeed. Since no two actors are the same, we will call upon our personal experiences with Improv, Scene Study, Method Acting, Voice Coaching, Classical Acting, Film, Theatre, as well as Writing and Directing to determine what options work best for you as an individual.

Join us for this workshop of Internal Reflection and Fear Conquering exercises to break down those barriers and reveal the true artist within.  Using a safe and nurturing mix of sense memory and method exercises to unlock your potential, we will guide you on your journey to discovering the power within to control your emotions for any genre or any scene you may face. 

The CORE Acting Workshop is a great opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and crush that box that society so desperately wants to keep you in.  Come join us for an upcoming weekend workshop and learn to act from the heart.

THE CORE - Acting Intensive Workshop 
The Fast Lane - Barberton, Ohio 
Sunday, June 7th 10am - 5pm 
Maximum 20 people.
Adults 18 & over

You must pre-register at: http://coreacting.com/workshops/core-1-day-acting-intensive-2/


193 Wooster Rd N Suite 7, Barberton, Ohio 44203
SundayJune 7th 10:00am - 5:00pm
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