[NEohioPAL] Casting Call for "A Father's Love"

Johnathon Jackson via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Jun 2 10:26:13 PDT 2015

A Fathers Love CastingNotice“A Fathers Love” is an ultra-low budget SAG-AFTRANew Media project slated to be filmed in Cleveland, Ohio this summer the weekof July 5th 2015.

Summary: About 76% of the time a child iskidnapped by a stranger they are dead within the first three hours. ForDetective Hunchinson, more commonly known as Hunch, that clock starts now. Thisstory takes us on a thrilling ride with Detective Hunch and his family as wesee what lengths A Fathers Love will go in order to bring hisdaughter back home. A Fathers LoveCharacter Description

Hannah (Female, 25-30, must have lighterskin because of other casting choices): A strong woman with polish, and apast, and she carries it all on her shoulders and behind a smile. 
Lerch (Male, 40-60): A disabled retiredcop who has been through so much he can’t help but laugh at it all. Was thepartner of Hunch’s father. Has a dry sense of humor. Hurt in incident on thejob that killed Hunch’s father. 

Gino (Male, 20-35): A very intelligentguy on the wrong side of law, but not necessarily justice. Must have a verystrong presence and intensity in his eyes. Experience with fight choreography isa plus. Not your average criminal.

Havoc (Male, 30-45): Must be a mammothof a man. Very large. Commits crime out of necessity. Must be able to showcasea soft side. Fight choreography experience is a plus. 
Chaos (Male or Female, 20-35): Afollower in the group. Doesn’t really make own decisions. Tries best to notcause any waves. Fight choreography experience a plus
Mayhem (Female or Male, 20-30): A verynasty person. Fight choreography experience a plus. Must give the audience aperson to hate.

Damage (Female or Male, 20-35): Acharacter in the middle of the road and go either way, but is easily persuadedby Mayhem. Fight choreography experience a plus.

Ross (Male, 40-60): Police Chief being damageddown by the job and tries his best to make everyone happy, only problem iseveryone’s happiness often conflicts. Must be a very lovable guy with charm andcompassionate in his eyes. Father figure to Hunch who promised to take care ofhim when his father was killed in an incident on the job.  Rogers (Female, 23-30): Rookiedetective with an amazing intuition. She just gets it, and gets it fast. Eagerto prove she belongs in this world and is ready for the challenge. Has a greatsense of urgency.

Directions: Please send an email to AFathersLoveFilm at gmail.com with thecharacter that interest you in the subject line. Include a resume, headshot, andlinks to your work (if you have any) with the email and please include anyconflicts throughout the summer. If you do not have a headshot or resume pleaseinclude a snapshot of yourself alone and include past experience in the body ofthe email. The auditions will be June 8th. If you are selected youwill be sent the address, sides, and an audition time in a response email.Please respond to all emails to ensure that you have received it. If you cannotmake it to the audition on the 8th or require a certain time framelet us know in a confirmation email. You will be contacted if you are chosen ornot so you are aware of where we are in the process. Not receiving an auditionslot does not mean you will not be chosen to be a part of the film, we will keepyour information throughout the filming process. All roles posted are open tounion and non-union actors.

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