[NEohioPAL] From WUAL: Summer Series. Artistic Craft & Life Skills Development. “‘Master the Art:’ Metaphysical Mysteries, Musings and Meaning “

sue holland johnson via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Jun 4 19:44:41 PDT 2015

>From WUAL;  Summer Series.  Artistic Craft & Life Skills Development                
  Sat.  June13, 2015 “‘Master the Art:’ Metaphysical Mysteries, Musings andMeaning “                                    A “Wake Up, Get Up, Get Busy” Life Skills Seminar on:             Making good & beauty prevailin the midst of evil & ugly in today’s world.Blend “the everyday with theesoteric” An Empowerment how-to sessionasks and answers the questions           What are you going to do aboutit?  How You Can . . .1.     CreateA New You for a New Life2.     Connectwith your Higher Power3.     Become  an enlightened being4.     Healyour soul with meditation and music5.     Discoverthe psychology of overcoming fear, failure & false hope6.     Applyinspirational advice and practical guidance to help you move forward in yourtotal life7.      Become a metaphysical “Makeover Masterpiece.” When:       Sat.6/13/15                   12:00 – 2:30 PWhere:      Shaker Heights. Location uponregistration.Register:   wakeup4664 at aol.com. Deadline: Thurs. 6/11/15                   $35.00. (Check, cash, MC/Visa) Limited seating.Also, PrivateConsultation available by appointment.Optional:  Sun sign analysis Facilitator:  Sue Johnson          Exec.Director, WUALProducer,“Wake Up And Live with the Arts”                   WUAL:   Quality  Productions . Performances . Presentations .Promotion                  Designsarts-related Entertainment / Showcases / Celebrations                 wakeup4664 at aol.com 
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