[NEohioPAL] LAND OF CLEVE INTERVIEW: Actress-Author Rachel Zake Steps Back Into the Cleveland Spotlight

Cleve Land via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sat Jun 6 09:13:17 PDT 2015


*             Actress-Author *
*    Rachel Zake *
*         Steps Back Into the *
*       Cleveland Spotlight for*
*FREE Kids' Playwriting Fest at *
*Dobama Theatre This Weekend*

*Actress and author Rachel Zake was born and raised right here in
Cleveland. After five years traveling and living in exotic locales such as
Madrid and Los Angeles, she is back home and ready to take the town by
storm.Next up for the talented performer is a comedic turn in the short
play Inconvenience by Breanna Tamoga. The seventh grader's play was
selected to be part of the Marilyn Bianchi Kids' Playwriting Festival, now
in its 37th year.The fun (and mostly free) festival will be staged at
Dobama Theatre and has three more performances: Saturday, June 6: 2:30 pm &
7:30 pm – FREE, open to publicSunday, June 7: 2:30 pm – FREE, open to
publicDobama Theatre is located at 2340 Lee Road in Cleveland Heights. For
tickets and more information about the event, visit the official website
<http://dobama.org/marilyn-bianchi-kids-playwriting-festival/>. Rachel took
some time from her busy schedule to give us a sneak peek at the show and
some of the other creative projects she is currently working on...*

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