[NEohioPAL] The Open Door - An Introduction to Michael Chekhov Acting Technique

Wandering Aesthetics via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sun Jun 7 20:01:31 PDT 2015

Wandering Aesthetics presents…
*The Open Door: Akron’s Performance Exchange *
A Free Monthly Workshop

(June 5, 2015 – Akron, Ohio – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE) Wandering Aesthetics
is proud to announce the next The Open Door: Akron’s Performance Exchange.

The fifth of these free monthly workshops will be held on Sunday, June 28th
from 6 pm – 8 pm at Lifesource Yoga located at 300 N. Cleveland-Massillon
Rd., Suite 2 in Akron, Ohio.

*There is a $5 suggested donation for The Open Door. The event is open to
the public. No registration is required. *

This month’s session will be: *An Introduction to Michael Chekhov Acting
Technique *led by David Obney.

For more information visit www.tinyurl.com/OpenDoor5 or email
watheatre at gmail.com

<watheatre at gmail.com>
*About the Open Door:*

Drawing from the rich artistic traditions within Akron, our mission is to
introduce community members to diverse forms of creative expression,
building community by crossing boundaries, enriching lives and opening the
door to the imagination.

The Open Door is a free monthly workshop. Led by a different master
teacher, each session will highlight a different area associated with
performance.  From physical action to voice to dance, anyone can benefit
from these skills.

No experience necessary!!!

*About the Session:*

This two hour workshop will be an introduction to the acting technique
developed and taught by Michael Chekhov, arguably the most influential
acting teacher who has ever lived. Participants will explore Chekhov’s
concepts of: feeling of ease, qualities of movement, centers, and imaginary
body through individual/ensemble work and discussion. Participants of all
experience levels are welcome. No previous experience in acting or acting
technique is necessary.

**Participants are encouraged to wear loose, comfortable clothing and
footwear conducive to free and easy movement.* *

* About the Instructor: *

David Obney M.A., is a certified Michael Chekhov Acting Technique
instructor, earning certification through Kent State University and the
Great Lakes Michael Chekhov Consortium. Having successfully performed the
title role in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, under the direction of James Slowiak,
David earned his master’s degree in theatre at The University of Akron in
2006. He teaches the Theater Arts Career Academy at Tallmadge High School
and has directed six plays there, including Death of a Salesman, Flowers
for Algernon, And Then There Were None, and The Poe Play. David is a
commercial and stage actor, appearing in regional and local television
commercials, as well as print ads. He was most recently onstage at the
Cleveland Public Theater, performing a lead in Andrew Kramer’s new play,
Armature. He has also performed at Aurora Community Theater and has
auditioned for several national film and television projects. David is
represented by Pro Model and Talent in Akron. In addition to acting,
directing, and teaching, David Obney sings, writes and performs poetry,
DJ’s weddings, and is the father of three boys.

Wandering Aesthetics
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