[NEohioPAL] HUGE SALE! Costumes, props, set pieces and more

Cassandra Capocci via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Wed Jun 17 20:31:04 PDT 2015

Fri June 19-Sun June 20! 10am-4pm! Rain or Shine! The garage is full, 5 tents are full, the driveway is full! Don't miss this sale!!! 2675 Tulip St. NE (Canton, 44705)
Vintage clothing, purses, hats!Costumes and masks!Props!Flats!Set pieces!Tools and paint supplies!Furniture!Collectibles from around the world!Oil paintings!Books: Theatre and more!500 VHS tapes!Craft supplies!Hundreds of baskets, all shapes and sizes!Hat boxes!Artificial flowers and arrangements!Centerpieces!Holiday!Shop Vac!Movie posters!Pop culture items!Popcorn machine!
...and all the usual garage sale stuff: Housewares, gardening supplies, clothes, shoes, picture frames, car and motorcycle supplies and much, much more!(and for you Catholics out there..or anyone doing Nunsense or Sr. Mary Ignatius, lots of religious items: Statues, medals, rosaries and such)
If you cannot attend the normal hours, you can contact me to see if we can schedule a later time this weekend. ccapocci at live.com 

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