[NEohioPAL] LAND OF CLEVE REVIEW: KSU Porthouse Theatre's 'Violet' is One Road Trip Definitely Worth Taking This Summer

Cleve Land via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri Jul 17 14:14:32 PDT 2015

  KSU Porthouse Theatre's
*  'Violet'* is One Road Trip
    Definitely Worth Taking
           This Summer

In the musical *Violet, *the title character sets off on a Greyhound bus to
find her miracle at the hands of a healing evangelist (Paul Floriano), and
ends up discovering friendship, romance and ultimately love
instead. Stirring music by Jeanine Tesori and insightful lyrics and book by
Brian Crawley -- based on the short story "The Ugliest Pilgrim" by Doris
Betts -- allow Violet (and *Violet*) to tell her story without pathos or

The material is handled with care by director Steven C. Anderson. Under his
guidance, viewers feel as if they are taking the trip right alongside
Violet, practically as if they were seat mates.

Anderson has also picked the perfect travel buddies for this
emotional ride, an ensemble of powerful actors with equally powerful
voices. Fritsche is completely compelling as the older Violet, asserting
her independence every step of the way along her journey. Cosentino is
captivating as young Violet, joyful and hopeful and full of life. As the
preacher, Floriano brings a perfect mix of showmanship and sensitivity to
the role. Dane Castle also makes a lasting impression as the girl's
gregarious but guilt-ridden father. Jared Dixon and Ian Benjamin hit all
the comic and serious notes as a pair of soldiers vying for Violet's

The rest of the company -- Allisyn Just, Shamara Costa, Katey Sheehan,
Lindsay Simon, Jimmy Ferko, and Julian Kazenas -- portray a variety of
vivid characters with admirable fervor...


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