[NEohioPAL] LA Director workshop

Jessica Houde via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Jul 27 10:31:19 PDT 2015

Only 7 spots left!!

We are extremely excited to announce that Tom Logan, an award winning director from Los Angeles and one of the world’s most sought-after acting coaches, will be returning to the Houde School of Acting to hold a three-day workshop September  25th, 26th, and 27th 

As a film, TV, and commercial director who has worked for all the big studios (Universal, Warner Bros., Paramount, etc.), Tom has authored two books on the science of auditioning and has since established himself as the industry’s authority on the subject. Aspiring actors who study under Mr. Logan and put his methods into practice will place themselves at an incredible advantage over their peers when it comes to the auditioning process and booking acting jobs. Not only does Tom cover the essential “dos and don’ts” for auditioning, but he also shares his own scientific strategy to getting the part.

See what previous workshop attendees are saying on Tom Logan’s Unofficial Facebook Fan Page.

Tom Logan Workshop Fan Page
Tom Logan Workshop Fan Page
Also, check out Mr. Logan’s directing credits on IMDB.

Latest Titles With Tom Logan
Latest Titles With Tom Logan
 The three day workshop  combined to be a comprehensive interactive workshop that consists of a series of filmed cold reads individually, in pairs, and in groups. Tom will offer his critiques and help transform your auditions to be the very best in any market. With all the production opportunities now flocking to the Midwest, there has never been a better time to up your game. This will be Tom's on camera workshop, and 3 hours "book thr job" speech. 

Tom will be in the studio from September  25th, 26th, and 27th Exact hours are TBA 

Attend the full three day interactive workshop. Price: early bird $370.00, the price will be $450 after August 5th. You may also put a deposit of $150 down to hold your spot, non refundable. 

** In order to ensure maximum individual coaching, the interactive workshop will be limited to 25 participants.


Registration will be first-come-first-served. Once the seats are filled we will NOT be making room for more participants. Register at the link below to reserve your spot!

You may go to www.paypal.com and pay the $ 370 to houdeschoolofacting at yahoo.com  to participate in the workshop. Only 7 spots left!! 
If you have any questions, feel free to contacthoudeschoolofacting at yahoo.com

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