[NEohioPAL] Ohio Shakespeare Festival opens "Henry V"

Nancy Cates via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Jul 28 09:29:14 PDT 2015

Ohio Shakespeare Festival



"a little bit of Harry in the night"


King Henry V

By William Shakespeare

July 30 - August 16

Thursday through Sunday evenings at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens, 714 N.
Portage Path, Akron

 <http://www.ohioshakespearefestival.com> www.ohioshakespearefestival.com


            With this week's opening of Shakespeare's Henry V, Ohio
Shakespeare Festival completes a two year initiative to bring to life the
best of Shakespeare's History plays.  


            In recent seasons, OSF has been successfully showcasing the
less-frequently-performed plays in Shakespeare's canon, including King Lear,
Richard III, Love's Labours Lost, and Cymbeline.  Changing that arc a bit,
last year OSF turned to the neglected, yet exciting and vital Histories,
beginning with Henry IV, part one, and continuing now with Henry V. 


            Henry V features long-time OSF Company member Andrew Cruse as
King Henry, the now grown "Prince Hal" from Henry IV, part one.  Many of the
cast of Henry IV are returning to Henry V, including Scott Campbell as
Bardolph, and Katie Zarecki as Mistress Quickly.  Others featured in the
cast are Tracee Patterson as "The Chorus," (who assumes multiple roles),
Bernard Bygott as Pistol, and Tess Burgler as Princess Katharine.


            For the two Henries, in a desire to help bridge an ever-widening
gap in Humanities and History education, and supported in part by the  Akron
Community Foundation and the Corbin Foundation, OSF is offering a FREE
student night (with ID) on Thursday, August 6.  Open-seating tickets will be
available to all students (at the gate only) beginning at 6pm that evening,
until we sell out.  Easy to follow study guides and family trees will be
available, so that the fascinating progression of the Plantagenet Kings will
be clear to all.  The run of Henry V also includes a Preview Performance on
Thursday, July 30, with all tickets on $12, as well as either reserved, or
open-seating tickets available for all other performances.


            OSF performs at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens, 714 N. Portage Path,
in Akron.  Grounds open at 6pm for picnicking, the Greenshow beings at 7:30,
and Henry V begins at 8pm, Thursdays through Sundays, rain or shine.  Open
Seating $28, Reserved Seating $33.


"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers." - King Henry, in the field of


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