[NEohioPAL] Announcing: Creative Technology Mini E-Courses

Megan Poletti via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Jul 30 07:55:51 PDT 2015

*heypoletti! LLC* is a woman-owned company specializing in creative
technology for the modern musician. Our mission is to inspire not only
musicians, but also artists, small businesses, and creative entrepreneurs
to use technology to aid in the pursuit of their artistic visions. Covering
topics such as social media marketing, recording techniques, and
entrepreneurship, *heypoletti!*’*s* free Creative Technology Newsletter has
already helped hundreds of musicians and artists.

Now, *heypoletti!* is proud to present an original YouTube channel with
Creative Technology Mini E-Courses. The channel launch includes 5 Mini
E-Courses, with many more already on the way. If you want to find a
portable recording device for your rehearsals or demos, this Introduction
to the Zoom H4n <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_9iC-W8Wg8> video is a
great place to start!

Upcoming videos include ProTools tutorials, Sibelius and Finale tutorials,
tutorials for Audacity (a free recording software), GarageBand and iMovie
tutorials, and a series interviewing Creative Entrepreneurs who are doing
exciting things for music!

Check out the YouTube channel
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCowKgYVrDrMllOWc8zgyzpQ/feed>, and be
sure to subscribe so you can get notified when new videos are released!
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