Jeff Lockshine via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri Jul 31 07:41:04 PDT 2015


1371 Clague Rd. Westlake, Ohio 44145

Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical is the first "TVSpecial" taped by the sisters in their convent basement studio for CableAccess. It stars the nuns you love plus Father Virgil and some of Mt. SaintHelen's most talented students. This show is filled with "Nunsense"humor, some of your favorite carols, a "Secret Santa," and anuproarious take on the Nutcracker Ballet.  It's the perfect way to insureyour holiday season is merry and bright! 

Director/Choreographer Kim Mihalik & Music Director JayneBartish-Kacik are looking for the following performers:

Reverend Mother - 40's and up - Mezzo-Soprano (bordering on Alto)
The Mother Superior of the Little Sisters of Hoboken. She tries to be strictand keep order, but things often get out of her control. She grew up in a circusfamily and her "showbiz" background and sense of humor always shinesthrough her attempt at creating a tough exterior.

Sister Mary Hubert - 30's and up - Mezzo-Soprano (Gospel stylevocals)
Second in command to Mother Superior. She wanted to be a nun all her life andat times finds it difficult to deal with problems she believes are created byMother Superior's ineptness. Very practical. She and Mother Superior have ahealthy and humorous rivalry. 

Sister Robert Anne - 20's and up - Mezzo-Soprano (Belter)
Streetwise nun from Brooklyn, NY. She is one tough cookie, but has a heart andsoul of gold. The students love her because she speaks their language. Shefeels she has real theatrical potential and is constantly frustrated byReverend Mother's refusal to let her star in the show. 

Sister Amnesia - 20's and up - Mezzo-Soprano (Country stylevocals)
Was hit on the head with a crucifix and for a long period didn't remember whoshe was. Now, everyone knows she is Sister Mary Paul, a country singer whojump-started her recording career as the first un to appear at the Grand OleOpry. Even though she has her memory back, she always seems to be a"little vacant" but innocently endearing. 

Sister Mary Leo - 20's and up - Any Vocal Part or Non-Singing
A former novice nun, her dream is to be the first nun ballerina. Note: SisterMary Leo only appears briefly at the beginning and end of the show and willdouble as stage crew. 

Father Virgil - 30's and up - Tenor/high-Baritone
Grew up in the Mississippi Delta where he and his sister were part of the TrottFamily Singers. He now has his own radio show and the sisters invited him toparticipate in the Christmas program because they knew he could give thempointers on presenting a good show. 

Students - ages 8-18 
Louise | Maria | Billy | John
Students of Mount Saint Helen's Catholic School who are chosen by theirteachers to help out the Sisters with the Christmas Program. 

Auditions will be held at Clague Playhouse August 18 and 19starting at 7PM; no appointments will be necessary. Please bring music eitherfrom the show or in the style of the show and be prepared to learn a shortchoreography (movement) combination. 

Musical rehearsals will begin shortly after casting.

The show runs November 13 thru December 13 – Thursday, Friday, andSaturday at 8:00pm and Sunday at 2:00pm. (No show on Thanksgiving)

For further information or directions please contact ClaguePlayhouse at 440-331-0403.

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