[NEohioPAL] Volunteers needed to help Cleveland Opera Theater!

Cliff Wilson via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sun Nov 1 13:39:36 PST 2015

*Cleveland Opera Theater seeks Volunteers to Help Out*

Do you have an interest in opera? Are you available to promote the opera?
Do you have some free time? Would you be willing to deliver flyers around
Are you willing to help the opera in other ways?

*If you answered "yes" to any of these, we need you.*

For more information, please contact Cliff Wilson at:
cwilson at clevelandoperatheater.org

Volunteers are meeting next week to learn about the next opera and how to
help. The gathering of volunteers will be on *Nov. 4* in Midtown Cleveland
at 6:30PM for half an hour.

For now, all you need to do is email your interest.

See you soon. Bravo!!


Cliff Wilson
Artistic Administrator
Cleveland Opera Theater
cwilson at clevelandoperatheater.org

​Upcoming Production:
*A Streetcar Named Desire
Friday, December 4, 7:30pm
Sunday, December 6, 3:00pm​
Cleveland Masonic Auditorium
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