[NEohioPAL] Clague Playhouse Presents NUNCRACKERS and the JEWELRY HEIST Nov 13-Dec 13

Alex Nalbach via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Nov 2 09:37:19 PST 2015

Clague Playhouse, 1371 Clague Road,Westlake, will present Dan Goggin’s comedy Nuncrackers:The Nunsense Christmas Musical as the second production of its 88th season.

            TheLittle Sisters of Hoboken are back! The nuns of Mount St. Helen’s are preparingfor their first Christmas television show in the convent basement, but whenthings don’t go as planned, mayhem ensues. Packed with parodies of favoriteholiday carols, this light-hearted romp offers a high-spirited spoof of allthings Christmas.

            Nuncrackersis directed by Kim Mihalik, with musical direction by Jayne Kacik. The castincludes Ian Atwood, Marthan Brown, Grace Davis, Kate Miller, Sarah Rish,Philip Sutherland,Abby Twining, and Susan Weber.

            The production runs from November13 through December 13 on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8 p.m. andSundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $16 for adults, $15 for seniors (60+), and $10for students (with valid ID), and may be purchased by calling the box office at440-331-0403 Wednesday through Saturday from 1–6 p.m.

Duringthis production, the playhouse will also hold its popular fundraiser, the sixthannual “Jewelry Heist.” Friends of the theatre have generously donatedbeautiful semi-precious jewelry, sterling silver, and hand-crafted objectswhich will be sold in the lobby. Purchases will not only support the theatre,but also help you start your holiday shopping! This year’s donations includemany high-quality items, so bring your checkbook!

Upcomingproductions this season include Proof (January15-February 7), Miracle on South DivisionStreet (March 11-April 3), and Panache(May 6-29): please visit clagueplayhouse.org for details.

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