[NEohioPAL] Hudson Players Opens Play On! November 6, 2015

Dana Herro via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Nov 2 12:55:26 PST 2015

*Play  On!,* directed by OCTA award winning director June Organ,  is a
hilarious comedy by Rick Abbot about 6 actors, a stage manager, technician,
and director trying to put on a show while working with a playwright who
just cannot make up her mind. The first act is the cast going through a
rehearsal of Phyllis Montague’s “Murder Most Foul”. Everything seems to be
going just fine in the beginning.  The slip up of lines and the bickering
amongst the players are nothing out of the ordinary, mostly between
Saul/Dr. Forbes played by Kirk Worcester and Polly/Lady Margaret played by
Sally Morris, but then an unexpected guest decides to show up at the
rehearsal.  Phyllis Montague, played by Sue Jeromson, has made the choice
to once again change the script around, which leaves the rest of cast and
crew aghast. As they struggle to get through the script for the rest of the
show the antics have only just begin.

The second act begins with the cast starting their dress rehearsal by
coming out on stage to be over looked by the director, Gerry, played by
Michael Pitt. Throughout the beginning, the players seem to be a little
more relaxed, but still a little frustrated knowing that Phyllis is lurking
around the stage. That frustration definitely proves true especially for
Louise, who is played by Tara Haggerty and Aggie, played by Michelle
Dolciato. As the rest of the act resumes, the cast is able to overcome the
pressure and deliver the show as it should be….for the most part.

The third act sets the audience up for opening night and everyone is
feeling pretty nervous. It’s expected to be flawless, but unfortunately for
the players, that’s not what happens. The final act is full of slip-ups,
falls, and all kinds of commotion. As they struggle through this hilarious
last act it only leads to more laughs and enjoyment for the audience,
including an unexpected surprise!

*Play On!** runs November 6, 7, 13, 14, 15 (matinee), 20 and 21, 2015* at
the Barlow Community Center, located at 41 S. Oviatt St., Hudson, OH.  Tickets
can be purchased by visiting www.HudsonPlayers.com
<http://www.hudsonplayers.com/> or by calling the box office at (330)
655-8522.  Student, senior and group discounts are available.  For
additional information, please email info at HudsonPlayers.com
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