[NEohioPAL] "The Big Lebowski" and Lebowski Fest at The Lorain Palace Theater

Kurt Hernon via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Wed Nov 4 12:50:47 PST 2015


"*We wanted to do a Chandler kind of story – how it moves episodically, and
deals with the characters trying to unravel a mystery, as well as having a
hopelessly complex plot that's ultimately unimportant*" - Joel Coen

"*their inspired, absurdist taste for weird, peculiar Americana – but a
sort of neo-Americana that is entirely invented – the Coens have defined
and mastered their own bizarre subgenre. No one does it like them and, it
almost goes without saying, no one does it better.*" - Desson Howe, The
Washington Post

Join us as The Lorain Palace Theater hosts it's first ever Lebowski Fest!
This Friday night the doors and the Chandelier Bar open at 6PM - ONLY $5
gets you in! FIRST showing of * "THE BIG LEBOWSKI"* is at* 7PM *(sponsored
by Ole Roys Front Nine ball cleaner), the second showing (sponsored by Ol’
Roys “Late Shift”) is at * 10PM* - or shortly thereafter, so our Lorain
Bowling Association friends can make it from League nights!

Featured prizes for showing your bowling skills, best dressed character,
best Dude robe, and more! Specialty "Caucasion's" at the Chandelier
Bar by *Speak
of the Devil Cocktails* as well as beer, wine, and other cocktails. EXPERT
Lebowski grub by *SMASH: The World's Greatest Food Truck* - serving up
THIS: EL DUDERINO! - Pan grilled avocado and spicy pepper jack cheese
sandwich on crusty Italian...and THE WALTER!- Fried bologna , egg over easy
and Colby cheese sandwich.

The Lorain Palace Theater
617 Broadway Ave
Lorain, Ohio
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