[NEohioPAL] JOB OPPORTUNITY: paid SOUND BOARD OPERATOR position for run of a show with possibility of consistent future work (PeltierTheatricals)

Peltier Theatricals via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Wed Nov 18 10:27:37 PST 2015

Peltier Theatricals, LLC is an up and coming theatrical company that
specializes in sound equipment rentals, sound and lighting design, booking
run crew/board operators for shows, scenic design and building, and is in
the process of opening a recording studio.



Tech would be Nov. 29th-Dec. 3rd

Show runs from Dec. 4-Dec. 19th

Performances  are Thursdays-Sundays:

Thur/Fri 8pm curtain

Sat. 11:59pm curtain (midnight show)

Sun. 7pm curtain


-theatre experience required

-experience in operating sound board

-experience with body mics

-experience setting up/assisting setting up a live band

-experience in live mixing is preferred

-availability for all tech and performance dates/times

-comfortable working independently

Show will be designed and built by the sound designer. Board operator will
be responsible for assisting loading in the audio equipment for the show,
learning the show/adjusting during tech, running the show each performance,
assisting in striking audio equipment when show closes, and other varies
necessary audio tasks. Pay and name of show will be disclosed with your
“application”. Please send your inquiries and a brief summary of experience
(a formal resume is not required) to peltiertheatricals at gmail.com addressed
to Tobias Peltier.  You will receive a prompt response and may be asked to
meet or have a phone interview. There is a possibility for future work in
sound and other departments barring the outcome of this show. Thank you for
your interest and we look forward to working with you.


Tobias Peltier
*Peltier Theatricals*
*805 290 2178*
*i <PeltierTheatricals at gmail.com>nfo at peltiertheatricals.com
<nfo at peltiertheatricals.com>*
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