[NEohioPAL] Into The Woods - Aurora Community Theatre

Marc Howard via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri Nov 27 07:51:24 PST 2015


Aurora Community Theatre’s Production of

Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Book by James Lapine

Directed and Staged by Marc C. Howard
Musical Direction by D. Keith Stiver
Produced by Marianne Paul
Stage Managed by Ann Nyenhuis

Set Design by Wes Shofner

*Auditions *

·        When:  Sunday March 13th & Monday March 14th , 2016 @ 7 pm

·        Where:  Aurora Community Theatre, 115 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH

·        What to Prepare: Initial auditions will consist of singing only.
No appointment necessary.

Please bring with you the following:

o   A resume and current headshot

o   Sheet music in your key. 32 bars of a song not from the show.
(preferably not in a book, and prepared for an accompanist). No acappella

o   Your conflicts from April 17th to July 1st , 2016

*Callbacks (by invitation only)*

·        When:  Sunday March 20th & Monday March 21st , 2016 @ 7 pm

·        Where:  Aurora Community Theatre, 115 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH

·        What to Prepare: You will be given material before the callback
dates. **

*** PLEASE NOTE**  * If invited for a callback, you *MUST* be able attend
both callback dates

from 7-9 pm to be considered for a role in this production.


Rehearsals (4-5 per week, days determined after casting) will commence on
April 17th, 2016

*Performances *(6 with the possibility of additional if warranted)

*            Friday & Saturday evenings @ 8 pm*

*            July 1st to July 16th 2016*

*Casting Requirements - *(character ages listed)


·        *Baker’s Wife **- 20-45 *- Mezzo: G3/F5 - Determined and bright.
Romantic at heart, but materialistic at times. Plenty of good solos. Strong

·        *Witch - **20-50 *- Mezzo or Soprano: F3/F5 - Outwardly:
self-serving, possessive, sarcastic, vain, charismatic. Inwardly: insecure
& lonely. Strong actor/singer.

·        *Cinderella - **20-35 *- Soprano: G3/G5 - Earnest, pretty,
warm-hearted, kind, trying to find her place in the world. Survivor. Strong

·        *Little Red Riding Hood -* *14-20 *- Bright belter: B3/F5 -
Spoiled, clever, vain, and sarcastic. Seeks approval in place of love, of
which she is profoundly lacking. Fun character.

·        *Rapunzel - 20-35 *- Soprano: A3/A#5 - Loopy-but-lovely maiden,
completely innocent of worldly matters. Needs strong vocal control in legit
soprano range/style.

·        *Jack’s Mother - 40-50 *- Soprano: B3/F#5 - Single mother, a
fighter, working hard and doing her best to make good life for her hapless
son. Good mid-range needed. Strong willed mature female desired.

·        *Cinderella’s Stepmother - 40-50 *Mezzo: A#3 - F5 Mean-spirited,
greedy, demanding. Superb character part.

·        *Lucinda - 20-35 *- Mezzo: C4/E5 - Cinderella’s stepsister, lovely
but black of heart. Loud, energetic. Good character role.

·        *Florinda -20-35* - Mezzo: C4/E5 - Cinderella’s stepsister, lovely
but black of heart. Loud, energetic. Good character role.

·        *Cinderella’s Mother - 40-50 *Soprano: G3/ Ab5 - Nurturing,
loving. The spirit of the departed mother dispenses useful advice. Must
have strong legit singing voice. (May double w/other role)

·        *Granny - 50-65 *- Vocal Open - Red Riding Hood’s feisty, bitter,
vindictive grandmother, good comic timing. No solo singing, (May double
w/other role)

·        *Snow White - 20-30 - *Vocal Open - Cameo role, no solo singing,
only in ensemble. (May double w/other minor role)

·        *Sleeping Beauty -**20-30 *- Vocal Open* - *Cameo role, no solo
singing, (May double w/other role)

·        *Giant - **40-65 *- Vocal Open - Female: loud, angry, offstage
voice only. No singing. (May double w/other role)


·        *Baker - **20-45 *- Baritone: A2/G4 - Average “every working man”,
warm hearted, determined but insecure, has never faced his fears. Loads of
singing! Strong actor/singer.

·        *Jack **- 14-20 *- Tenor: A2/A5 - The feckless giant killer. Eager
to please, genuine/sincere, impulsive, a little slow of learning and misled
by his lack of self-knowledge. High overall singing range requires lovely
lyric tenor quality.

·        *Cinderella’s Prince** - 25**-35* - Baritone: Bb2/Gb4 - Vain,
gorgeous, self-dramatizing and endlessly confident. Womanizer: “I was
raised to be charming, not sincere.” Very legit baritone quality. (Can be
selected to double as the Wolf.)

·        *Rapunzel’s Prince** - 20-30 *- Baritone: C#3/Gb4 - Younger
brother of the above, and also of the same flawed character. Striving to
beat his brother. Very legit baritone quality.

·        *Wolf** - 25-40 *- Baritone: B2/Gb4 - Hungry, insatiable,
seductive. Great comedic role…only two scenes but he could easily steal
both! Must be strong singer/character actor.

·        *Mysterious Man** - 40-60 *- Baritone: G3/E4 - Mischievous vagrant
with a secret. Mostly an acting role, but with one big musical number. Best
if he is older. (Can be selected to double as Narrator)

·        *Narrator** - 40-65 *- Baritone: G3/Eb4 - Intellectual, pleasant.
Good storyteller who relates directly to the audience. Mainly spoken role
with some singing lines.

·        *Steward - **30-40 *- Vocal Open* - *Surly, bureaucratic, full of
self-importance. No solo singing, only ensemble. Plenty of good lines.

·        *Cinderella’s Father - **40-50 *- Vocal Open* - *Ineffectual, out
of touch with family, but harmless and well-meaning.


·        *Milky White - **Any Age *- Silky white cow. Flexibility and
physical movement a requirement.

·        *Possibility  of Additional Fairy Tale Characters*

*For further information or questions, please contact the director at
marc.c.howard at gmail.com <marc.c.howard at gmail.com>*

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