[NEohioPAL] “WUAL: Heretik Eklektik Metaphysical Mysteries, Myths & Magic,” a Creative Workshop

sue holland johnson via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Mar 24 18:00:39 PDT 2016

“WUAL: Heretik Eklektik  Metaphysical Mysteries, Myths & Magic” a Workshop
 ComeApril! Time for women & (enlightened men) to Renew, Reenergize &Revitalize!  Join us in a life-changing conversation to challenge,explore & even begin, to replace your traditional religious, political,philosophical (ageism, sexism, and classism notions.)
Open your mind to wonder, and allow mystical magic tohappen..
Have you ever wondered . . . . .
            . How didGod get to be a He?            .  If God is a Father, where is the Mother?            . Where didAdam & Eve’s sons get wives?            . Why doyou have to go through a priest to talk to God?            . Why doesit seem nuns are expected to live a life of poverty, while ‘higher up’ priests,bishops,                cardinals,& popes live in ‘diamond, ruby and gold luxury?. Why do so many folks subscribe tothe belief that there is only one way to God. (And, it’s their  Way)?. How many doggone translations theBible are there?  Each translation,generally done by a man,   in the early days, says something different, says something thatreflects their own opinion.
So . . . . .  Want to wake up and live to be yourbest and highest “new thought” self in 2016?  
What:  An in-depth, enlightened conversationwhich explores the inconsistencies, hypocrises, oxymorons, & out-dated notions             perpetuated over the centuries, ( primarily by men).
When:  Sat. 4/9/16            12:00 – 2:30 P
Where:  Shaker HeightsRegistration:  $18. (Cash,check, Mon, credit card, PayPal.
For information, location, or to register: wakeupandlives at gmail.com
Seating limited.  Advance registration by Thurs. 4/7/16Privatesessions also by appointment

Wake Up And Live’s Actors’ Studiorehearses and prepares individuals, undergoing life-changing transitions, forenhanced personal and professional success. Sue Johnson is actor, director,producer, playwright, author, life coach and motivational speaker.


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