[NEohioPAL] Host a Violinist

Gregory Pendolino via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu May 19 08:02:33 PDT 2016

Here is an opportunity to have a private concert with an esteemed violinist
for you and a handful of friends.

Jennifer Argenti is currently on her Giving Back Tour.

Here is what she's looking for:

"The host hosts the concert in their home or backyard. Usually about 20
guests is an ideal attendance for something like this so the guest gets a
true "private concert" experience.

It is donation-based, so no tickets are sold. However, donations are what
fund my tour 😊

Host will provide the space and simple refreshments and I provide all
concert promotional material such as digital flyers, announcements, FB
postings, etc.

I will be available to play in the Cleveland area the evening of Sat July

Also, the "Giving Back" part is that while I am in town, I will donate my
time, in your name, to a local charity or organization (children's
hospital, hospice, Boys & Girls Club, etc) of your choice.

Please see my tour promo video for an idea of my musical style and I look
forward to hearing back from you!

Thank you!

Jennifer Argenti

https://youtu.be/DqI9xSR4_-k "

For more info on Jennifer please use the link below.


She has asked me to coordinate this for her so please email me directly.


Gregory.Pendolino at gmail.com

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