[NEohioPAL] Bay Village Theater Performance Sunday!

margaret hnat via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Jun 6 19:39:01 PDT 2016

Bay Village Community Theaterpresents a staged reading of George Bernard Shaw's one-act,"Overruled," a comedy about marriage, fidelity, and...infidelity!Written in 1912, the play revolves around two couples and their conflictingideals regarding honor and desire. The play, directed by John Hnat, featuresHuntington Playhouse alumni, Dave Hopkins, Margaret Hnat, Jenny Erbs, and NeilDonnelly. The free performance will take place June 12 at Mojo's, 600 DoverCenter Road, Bay Village. Doors open at 5:30 pm, giving patrons an opportunityto purchase coffee or other tasty treat before the performance at 6 pm.     This performance is theinaugural production of "All the World's A Stage[d] Reading" seriesthat will take place at Mojo's the second Sunday of each month June-December,201
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