[NEohioPAL] "Backstage" opens Friday at Theatre 8:15 in Green OH

Dawna Kornick via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Wed Jun 8 09:29:04 PDT 2016

by Pat Cook

Directed by Kati Miller

Friday,  June 10th and Saturday, June 11th @ 8:15 pm
Synopsis:  We all know that the real drama in a theatre takes place
backstage and creates quite a comedy to watch! This has never been more true
than at Theatre Baroque, where the star, one-time matinee idol Burton
Cavendish, suddenly dies an hour before the premiere of "Don Juan in
Cleveland." Once it is discovered that Cavendish has passed away, Lou, the
director, calls on Ajax, the understudy, to fill in. But Ajax must play
Cavendish both on and off stage, and he can't tell anyone - not even his own
mother! It is to be the great star's last performance... and Ajax's greatest
performance ever. He reluctantly agrees, only to face nasty critics, doting
mothers and one very large goon sent to collect a bundle from the great
actor. Ajax even has to fool his own mother, who shows up backstage to say
hello to Ajax and meet the famous Cavendish! (Little does she know she
achieves both of those goals at one time!) Lines and plot twists fly as fast
as you'll sell tickets in this theatrical farce where over-the-hill prima
donnas reign - or think they do - and most of the rest of the cast is
betting on who comes out on top.

For reservations call (330) 896-0339 or email info at theatre815.com
Theatre 8:15
4710 Massillon Road (Rt. 241)
Green, OH 44232
(330) 896-0339

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