[NEohioPAL] Casting Call: Last Call for Presidents

Scott Carpenter via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri Jun 10 04:48:36 PDT 2016

Looking for Presidents,
actors who can or do role-play
an American President.

There’s a big party coming to town this summer and so is the media. 
This is a once in a lifetime chance for the makers of arts and culture 
in Northeast Ohio to show off and promote our scene 
to people in our region and around the world. 
(…that “world" thing got you nervous?)

Casting Call: Saturday, June 18 at 2:00 PM

	Beachwood Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library
	25501 Shaker Blvd. 
	Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Contact: Scott Carpenter (216) 262-1723
For this casting call, please come prepared to demonstrate your improvisational skills as the President(s) of your choice. 
And if you know someone who makes a good American President, please tell him(her) about this opportunity. 

Some Details About the Gig:

What: This is a street acting performance gig where improvisation and audience interaction will make the show. We’re looking for people who have or would like to play one of America’s past Presidents. We need actors to play Abe Lincoln, and we’re especially interested in people who would play one of Ohio’s Presidents: Harrison, Grant, Garfield, Hayes, McKinnley, Harding, or Taft—but the more actors and more presidents we have, the better. So step up Bill (Clinton), and where are you Tricky Dick? (Nixon), you too Hillary, Bernie, and the other wannabes, we need you! 

There won’t be any scripts, just background information to become familiar with—we want our actors to have fun and contribute to the making of each performance, to show off their creativity and improvisational skills. Each event will be covered by the media and everyone involved will be credited. 

When: July 8 - July 17, We’re planning approximately 10 performances, one every day for one hour each, with a few during lunch hour but most after 5:00 PM. More actors will mean fewer performances for each.

Where: Appearing at arts and cultural venues across the region and in the City of Cleveland. 

Who: Us, the makers of arts and culture in Northeast Ohio.

Why: To unite and promote our arts and culture scene.

Production Contact: Scott Carpenter (216) 262-1723, carpenterdesign at mac.com <mailto:carpenterdesign at mac.com>

If you are interested, please call immediately,
let us know you will attend the casting call. 

Thank you!

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