[NEohioPAL] Be in Shape for Summer Intensives

Cleveland City Dance via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sun Jun 12 09:09:16 PDT 2016

June 20 -June 30, 2016Ballet Prep for Summer Abroad
Classes are geared to prepare students attending summer intensives to have the maintain stamina and be at their best when they attend their summer programs. Classes will be held Monday
–Thursday for both weeks.
·         Ages 11 & up
·         9:00 am-9:55am Stretch & strength
·         10:00 am – 11:40
pm Ballet
·         12:00 pm -1:00 pm Pointe
·         Pricingo        $16 per classo        City Ballet of Cleveland members $10 per classo        All 3 daily classes $ 45 per dayo        $125 per week
·         Privates are available upon request **Space is limited for these camps so be sure to register

Cleveland City Dance, Home to City Ballet of Cleveland

13108 Shaker Square

Cleveland, OH 44120

www.clevelandcitydance.com / 216-295-2222
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