[NEohioPAL] Actors needed for domestic violence play

Theresa Burrage via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sun Jun 12 15:40:44 PDT 2016

Seeking male and female actors for "This Girlz Lyfe" a play about domestic violence and drug addiction written by Ernesta Jefferson.
Male or female actor - strip club manager/ownerFemale - strip club dancers (you don't need to be a real stripper but must be able to move, speak and look the part)
Other supporting female and male roles may be available.  
Performance Dates - August 5-7, 2016 (tentative)
Rehearsals are Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons at Fairfax Recreation Center, 2335 E. 82nd, Cleveland, Ohio  44104. Not all cast members have to attend each rehearsal
Contact Ernesta Jefferson, 216-278-4297, ernestajefferson0 at gmail.com or Angel Miller 216-310-9637, angelmiller314 at gmail.com to schedule an audition and for questions.
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