[NEohioPAL] RNC filming ($)--contact email

Jgemini61065 via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Jul 18 08:05:13 PDT 2016


Apologies for the Sunday afternoon brain burp.

If interested please email name/s,phone number,age/s.
The creator of the app will then contact those interested.

This is not SPAM!!!

Please send info to---jgemini61065 at aol.com

Thank you.

This post is on behave of the creator of the app that will be used.
This is a beta test for a new app.

After you register.
Use the app to film.
(currently need an iPhone to use the app---because this is a beta testing)
And then can be paid for your filming,

***you would not be entering the RNC!!***

These are more 'man on the street' interviews,filming, anywhere in the Cleveland area.

You--18 or older.
         Have an iPhone
         go at your leisure,make your own schedule

A word from the apps creator----


Considering what went on in the streets in Dallas, there is no way of knowing what the Republican and Democratic Conventions will be like.  There is always the possibility the event could pose certain risks. While your use of the app at the conventions is voluntary I want you to be making an informed decision on whether or not to attend.  You should not be taking unnecessary risks.  If you and those with whom you've discussed filming should choose not to go to the convention and beta test the application, I will fully understand and respect the decision.  Your well being is our number one concern.


If your interested.Reply to this post with your age,name and phone number. It will be forwarded and you will be contacted.
It is okay to submit multiple people, as we think it may be best people go in a small group, or 'buddy system'.
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