[NEohioPAL] For Immediate Release

Bill & Mark Corcoran via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Jul 18 10:57:10 PDT 2016

Theatre in the Circle, a new theatrical incubator in University Circle, is making the landmark Judson Manor its creative home and primary venue for specialized performances. 

Conceived by Bill and Mark Corcoran as an extension of Judson’s internationally recognized program of cultural enrichment for its residents and members, Theatre in the Circle will produce theatre for Judson, University Circle and Cleveland metro communities.

The new ensemble is structured as a semi-professional community theatre and uses existing public spaces at Judson Manor for its rehearsals. Theatre in the Circle will initially take its shows “on the road” to Judson Park and South Franklin Circle.

Artistic Director, Bill Corcoran, and Managing Director, Mark Corcoran are residents of Judson Manor, 1890 East 107th Street in University Circle.  Their combined theatrical and business experience create a synergy that is the heart of Theatre in the Circle. 

Bill has worked at The Cleveland Playhouse, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Long Wharf Theatre in Connecticut, Virginia Stage Company and Winmack Productions theaters in Colorado, Arizona and Indiana. He has composed fourteen original musicals (Eddie, UFO, Mysterioso, Halfway To Heaven, Snow Queen, The Legend of Daniel Boone, Out of the Habit, It’s A Wonderful Life, Twain’s Tale of Huck and Tom, Through York’s Eyes, Sex After Sixty?, David and Bathsheba, Little Bear of the Miami and Mark Twain on the River).  He has also arranged numerous revues, penned six novels and taught music theory and piano at colleges and universities in the Midwest. 

Mark has extensive experience in public relations and musical theatre production and has  held management/board positions in a variety of for-profit and 501 (c) 3 organizations. 

Theatre in the Circle will become a bright light in University Circle, the arts/meds/eds nexus of the city.

Theatre in the Circle
Bill & Mark Corcoran
1890 East 107th Street
Cleveland, OH
theatreinthecircle at gmail.com

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