[NEohioPAL] New CLE Performing Arts blog features Cathleen O'Malley, Bernadette Clemens, and soon to be you!

Kate Klotzbach (Performing Arts Writer) via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Jul 19 18:42:21 PDT 2016

__________________________________________________________NEW CLEVELAND PERFORMING ARTS BLOG:
Hello friends - I've moved over to a new blog venture! Please read and follow me at http://kateklotzbach.wordpress.com/
Some of my first Cleveland Performing Arts posts include:   
   - CATHLEEN O'MALLEY thinks Trump is #NotFunny   

   - BERNADETTE CLEMENS of Mamai talks "Lady Windermere's Fan"   

My site and social info is below. Again - I hope you'll Follow my new Blog! Click the bottom right "Follow" button at the blog site and get notified each time there's a new Cleveland Performing Arts post. ------------------------------------Kate KlotzbachCleveland Performing Arts WriterEmail- Kate_Klotzbach at yahoo.comBlog Site- kateklotzbach.wordpress.comTwitter - @Kate_KlotzbachFacebook - www.facebook.com/KateKlotzbachPerformingArts__________________________________________________________
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