[NEohioPAL] Tenor Soloist and Choir Accompanist positions available at Church of the Saviour

Judith Higbee via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Wed Jul 20 12:11:45 PDT 2016




This position requires good sight-reading skills to sing with the Chancel
Choir (25 voices) weekly (September-June) & sing solos as needed. The
Chancel Choir sings in a variety of styles from classical to spirituals as
well as one or two concerts a year.  Recent repertoire includes Mozart
Mass*, Bach *Cantata #131 Aus der Tiefe* and Faure *Requiem*.

The ideal candidate has good people skills, an interest in providing
leadership to a volunteer choir and understands music as part of worship.
Choir rehearses on Thursdays 7:30- 9:00 p.m. and sings primarily for the
11:00 a.m. service, plus special services such as Christmas Eve, Easter,
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This is a paid position.* [See also ad for
Choir Accompanist. One person could do both positions if qualified.]*

PLEASE CONTACT (*email preferred*) Judith Higbee, Director of Music, Church
of the Saviour, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118. *ajhigbee at gmail.com
<ajhigbee at gmail.com> (216)321-8880   *


Part-time accompanist needed for youth church choir (gr.5-7).  Good
sight-reading skills needed, an understanding of music as worship, and a
spirit of cooperation. Must be VERY comfortable with young people of this
age range.  Choir rehearses weekly Sept. through May, Thursdays 6:30-7:15.
Choir sings on Sunday mornings every 4-6 weeks which involves 9 a.m. –
11:30 or noon (with breaks.) Choir also sings for special services such as
Christmas Eve and Easter.

Choir presents a musical every spring which involves extended Thursday
rehearsals and several Saturday rehearsals scheduled in advance. This is a
paid position. *[See also ad for Tenor Soloist/Section Leader. One person
could do both positions if qualified.]*

PLEASE CONTACT (*email preferred*) Judith Higbee, Director of Music, Church
of the Saviour, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118. *ajhigbee at gmail.com
<ajhigbee at gmail.com> (216)321-8880   *

Judith Higbee,

        July 20, 2016

Director of Music

Church of the Saviour

2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Hts., OH 44118


ajhigbee at gmail.com
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