[NEohioPAL] 525,600 productions of INTO THE WOODS

Fred Sternfeld via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sat Jul 23 14:56:47 PDT 2016

What? What?

Why a reference to *Rent* (525,600 minutes in a year - Seasons of Love)
when we are about to open a production (playing July 29 - August 7) of *Into
the Woods*?

First, there are *A LOT* of (maybe not 525,600, but at least 4 or 5)
productions of *Into the Woods* happening this summer around the area. It
is a great show. They all deserve your attention and patronage. We hope you
will attend ours too.

We expect a lot of our students and they expect a lot of themselves. *Into
the Woods* is no different. This cast is doing great work - A lot of
laughter and tears even a week out.

A little about our history...

Last summer's HBTI production of *Rent: School Edition*, with an amazing
cast of young people, was highly acclaimed by audiences and won some

Michael Dempsey (local actor and director) had this to say about *Rent*: "when
student productions are extraordinary, there's a special kind of excitement
you don't get anywhere else”  "Every actor had powerful voices and serious
acting talent."  "I walked out of there utterly blown away." "I'll never
think the same way about young people's theatre again."

*Fiddler on the Roof,* directed by Bebe Weinberg Katz, just closed two
weeks ago and it was very highly acclaimed! Here are some comments from our

Ken Ferlito: (Drama Director at Euclid High School) "This show is amazing!
The talent was awesome! The emotion, the timing, the dancing, the singing!
Applause to everyone involved in the show!"

Julie Sudy Billinghurst: (Mother of Isabel, who played Golde and will play
the Baker's Wife) "Don't miss out on this classic, performed by an amazing
group of actors who will touch your heart as they tell this beautiful

Come catch these terrific young actors.

Who is in the show? Here are the biographies of this summer's casts of *Fiddler
on the Roof* and *Into the Woods* <http://www.hb.edu/page.cfm?p=8973>.

To purchase tickets, and for more information about the Hathaway Brown
Theatre Institute, please go to this link

Fred Sternfeld
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