[NEohioPAL] audition notice: Please post and thank you!

Jill Levin via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Aug 2 11:01:02 PDT 2016

a one-act (30 minute!) political satire

Written by by Slawomir Mrozek (famous Polish playwright, cartoonist and
Directed by Jill Levin

Description of the play:

>From LaMama, ETC's New York production: "In *Out at Sea, *three men
starving on a life raft employ a hilariously logical application of
democratic and other bureaucratic procedures to determine which of them is
to become dinner for the other two."

*CHARACTERS *(character names do not reflect actual physical attributes...):
FAT: a power-hungry, savvy politician; any age
MEDIUM: a bureaucrat who knows on which side his bread is buttered; any age
THIN: an innocent victim desperately trying to stay alive; any age
POSTMAN: a helpful public servant; any age
BUTLER: a devoted personal servant; any age
*note: Butler and Postman could be played by same actor/actress*

Saturday, August 6th 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sunday August 7th  2:00 - 3:30
10924 Magnolia, Cleveland (University Circle)
Montessori High School Annex building (at end of drive next to Ferris House)
Bring headshot and resume if available
Come prepared to read from the script (sides will be provided ahead of time
upon request)
YOU MUST call *216-780-0365* or email *jlevin at montessorihighschool.org
<jlevin at montessorihighschool.org> *to request an audition time

30-minute play. Heavy on lines for three main characters.
Rehearsals begin August 15th. 4 times per week including at least one
weekend day until week before performance (September 12-16, every evening)
Total of 3 performances:
2 Performances on Saturday, September 19 at FIREFISH FESTIVAL in Lorain,
Ohio (can provide transportation)
1 additional performance in September (TBD by cast availability) at
Montessori High School at University Circle
Modest stipend for performances

Jill Levin
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