Karen Green via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Sep 12 12:43:54 PDT 2016

Youngstown Playhouse & Green Family Dynasty present the debut of the new
musical  "Nativity, The Hope", written and directed by Karen Clark-Green.
It opens December 2, 2016 playing two weekends in Youngstown, Ohio.    NTH
takes place in 2026 and shows where we are headed as a society of people if
we do no change.  Marshall law has been implemented, there is no freedom of
speech or religion and everything is controlled by the government.  In the
midst of this grandparents come to live with their daughters family and
restores their hope by sharing the Christmas story.

This is a high tech, modern musical that calls  for triple threat
Auditions  Children  September 17, 1-2:00 pm.  {ages 9-14)  must prepare
monologue, song and be prepared to move.
September 19-21  age 15-adult.  6-9 pm.  Please be prepared to present your
specialty first (song, dance or monologue).  You may be given a side to
read, taken though some dance movements or ask to sing because we need to
see you in all three genres. The Youngstown Playhouse  600 Playhouse Lane
Youngstown, Ohio  330-788-8739.  You may also email Mudalev at icloud.com for
more information.
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