[NEohioPAL] Casting Union and Non-Union actors for Movie Series

alexpmichaels@prelude2cinema.com via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Dec 12 10:26:40 PST 2016



Casting location and info: https://makeferrisrun.wordpress.com/2016/12/12/movie-audition-12172016/

Date: Saturday, December 17th, 2016 10am to 3pm

Location: Tri-C, 11000 W Pleasant Valley, Parma, OH
Parking in lot B, Liberal Arts Building, “B” wing.

Contact: casting at prelude2cinema.com

About the film:

Like the BBC film series "Sherlock", the story will
unfold in four 90-minute movies beginning with
the first episode "Que, Sera, Sera". Emmy-award
winning writer Alex P. Michaels takes us into an
alternate (yet familiar) timeline in which
"Cleaveland" faces an epidemic of sordid crime
under the institution of President Joseph Franks'
militarized police reform Federal Officers Resisting
Criminal Elements (FORCE) Act.

A young Latina police officer becomes a part of the
FORCE and deals with unethical supervisors, an
intricate sex trafficking case that has overtaken her
city and a senator who has come to town to shut
down the FORCE after a shooting incident. The
mysterious shadow devouring the evil within the
city begins to muddy the waters between good and
evil, reality and nightmare.

low-budget SAG feature film from local film company PRELUDE2CINEMA INC

About Prelude2Cinema:

Prelude2Cinema is a movie and marketing production
company whose mission is to create a Northeast Ohio cinema industry that values local and independent filmmakers, supports actors and film crew, and produces high-quality entertainment for diverse audiences.

Prelude2Cinema focuses on the sci-fi and crime genre for feature films, TV shows and web series and specializes in BRANDED ENTERTAINMENT to fund small and large-scale film projects.

Previous press releases:

1) Hollywood actress Robyn Cohen cast in lead role: https://www.prlog.org/12585813-prelude2cinema-casts-life-aquatic-actress-robyn-cohen-in-que-sera-sera.html 
2) NYC-based actress Soraya Padrao cast in lead role: https://www.prlog.org/12599830-prelude2cinema-casts-new-york-actress-soraya-padrao-in-lead-role-in-que-sera-sera.html 

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