[NEohioPAL] CALL for SUBMISSIONS - Manhattan Project Inaugural Ball!

Manhattan Project via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Dec 12 12:27:57 PST 2016

Calling for Submissions!

Between 1942 and 1945, J. Robert Oppenheimer gathered the most brilliant
minds of the age at Los Alamos, New Mexico to create something awesome and
terrible.  The Manhattan Project - Cleveland Lab seeks to do the same for
the Cleveland stage.

Well, America voted, and loser gets to be president anyway.

On January 20 the United States will inaugurate our 45th president and
first Manchurian candidate.  We at Manhattan Project
like to welcome him in our own fashion, with rude, unapologetic theatre.

The Manhattan Project is pleased to announce that we are hosting an Inaugural
 at Mahall's 20 Lanes
 in Lakewood
 on Tuesday, January 17.

We're doing things differently for this event. Rather than our typical Meet
& Greet with random actor/playwright match-ups, we want to hear how YOU
want to welcome our new Comrade President!

Are you a poet or a storyteller?  Do you have an angry rant you want to get
off your chest?  Do you want to scream?  Did you write an angry song about
the election?  Have you written a play already and have a team of actors?

For the first time ever--God help us!--The Manhattan Project is seeking
We want to hear from playwrights, actors, monologists, musicians, dancers,
teachers, mothers, scientists, baristas, ANYONE who needs to express their
rage, or look for hope, or show their defiance in the face of the most
disastrous election in US history.

If you have a proposal please email The Manhattan Project at
TrinityCrater at gmail.com with the following:

   - Title
   - Participating artists and contact info.
   - Genre (play, monologue, poem, song, etc)
   - Length of the piece in minutes (10 min max)
   - A *no more then 300 word* description of the piece

Be creative! Be crazy! Please be brief!

Keep in mind the Manhattan Project's minimalist philosophy; we will have a
stage and a microphone and not much more.

*Submission deadline is December 23.*

What exactly is The Manhattan Project - Cleveland Lab?

The Manhattan Project is a low-stakes, nonthreatening place for actors and
playwrights to meet and work together.

Based on the Theatre Lab model taught at the Carnegie Mellon School of
Drama and inspired by The Brooklyn Generator in New York, The Manhattan
Project wants to introduce Cleveland actors and playwrights to each other
by organizing a bi-monthly production of brand new 10-minute plays.

Participating artists will meet early in the month and will be broken into
teams, each with one playwright.  The playwright will then be given a
writing prompt to write a new 10-minute play based on the prompt and
including all the team's actors.  The rest of the evening the team members
will get to know each other and get a feel for each other's skills and

The teams will reconvene later in the month to perform these plays for each

These 10-minute plays are not an end in themselves.  Through these small
collaborations we hope to build relationships between the two most
vulnerable artists in theatre; the actors who put themselves on stage and
the playwrights who pour themselves onto the page.  Perhaps these 10-minute
plays will grow into longer works or maybe these collaborations will become
partnerships on larger projects.

If you'd like to participate, please RSVP at TrinityCrater at gmail.com or
introduce yourself at out next event.
*Some additional notes on the play lab:*

   - In the spirit of shoe-string theatre, these 10-minute plays should
   have a budget of $0.00.
   - Playwrights will be directing the plays, or an actor from the team can
   volunteer to do so.
   - It's up to each team to schedule rehearsals together.  Based on
   experience, it shouldn't take more than 3-4 hours of rehearsal time to get
   these plays on their feet.
   - Playwrights are invited in advance of the Meet & Greet.
   - *Playwrights are invited based on participation in
   past Manhattan Project events, so please come to our events so we can get
   to know you!*
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