[NEohioPAL] Additional auditions for JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT on Sunday, Dec 18th.

fctheatre via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Dec 12 14:10:24 PST 2016

Lorain County Metro Parks' French Creek Theatre is proud to announce additional auditions for...


Lyrics by Tim Rice
Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Directed by Brittni Shambaugh Addison
Music Directed by Anthony Trifiletti

Scorned by his brothers, sold into slavery and jailed for a crime he didn't commit - how on earth is Joseph going to become the second most powerful man in Egypt? With a little help from his friends, a knack for decoding dreams and a certain extravagantly pigmented jacket, watch the original underdog come out on top in this musical sensation.

March 3-19
Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30PM
Sundays at 3:00PM

Sunday, December 18th from 6:30PM-7:15PM
Kids Only (8th Grade & Under)
Please prepare one short song, and be ready to tell your funniest joke!

* Children cast will be active throughout the performance, in many ways guiding the story-telling by not only singing, but also portraying various characters. Call to schedule a 5 minute audition slot between 6:30 and 7:15. Be prepared to sing a short song and tell your best joke!

Sunday, December 18th from 7:15PM to 8:15PM
Adult Auditions (9th Grade-Adult)
Please prepare two contrasting songs, 16-32 bars each. You should ACT through the songs. Please no "park and bark."

* All adults should plan to arrive by 7:15, dressed to move. There will be a dance call at 7:15, followed by singing of prepared songs (two contrasting pieces of no more than 32 bars each). You may be asked to stay for callbacks immediately following your audition, beginning at 8:30. Please call in advance so that we know who to expect at 7:15.

Call (440) 949-5200 to schedule a 5-minute appointment, open daily 10:00AM to 6:00PM

Actors 18 and up receive a stipend


Narrator: The Narrator tells the story through word and song, guiding the audience gently through the story of Joseph and his brothers, usually gives meaning to the story with her/his words.

Jacob: The father of twelve sons, his favorite being Joseph. At times he may appear unfair and shallow, but he is, more importantly, the prophet who recognizes the future and the calling of Joseph, thus saving the House of Israel.

Joseph: Eleventh son of Jacob. Obviously his father's favorite, Joseph early on shows a talent for interpreting dreams and telling the future. This gets him into trouble with his brothers when he predicts his future will include ruling over the other eleven. However, it saves his life when in Egypt he correctly interprets Pharaoh's dreams. In the end he has risen to a great position of power, but he still forgives his brothers and brings his family to Egypt to partake of the bounty he has accumulated there.

Potiphar: A powerful and rich Egyptian, Potiphar purchases Joseph and puts him to work in his household, where he soon realises that Joseph is honest, hard-working, and a great addition to his pool of help. When he grows suspicious of Mrs. Potiphar and Joseph, however, he grows angry and has Joseph thrown into prison.

Mrs. Potiphar: Beautiful and scheming, Mrs. Potiphar tries to seduce Joseph, but is unsuccessful. However, she does manage to rip off much of his clothing just as her husband comes into the room, thus condemning him to prison. Also plays one of the wives.

Baker: One of Pharaoh servants, the Baker is in prison with Joseph who correctly interprets his dreams and predicts that he will be put to death.

Butler: Another of Pharaoh servants, the Butler is also in prison with Joseph who also correctly interprets his dreams, this time that he will be released and taken back into Pharaoh's household. It is the Butler who tells Pharaoh about Joseph and his uncanny ability with dreams.

Pharaoh: The most powerful man in Egypt, Pharaoh is considered a god on earth. When Joseph interprets his dreams, he promotes him to one of the highest positions in his government. In most productions, Pharaoh is portrayed as an Elvis Presley-style figure.

Reuben: Eldest son of Jacob. Takes the lead on "One More Angel in Heaven"

Simeon: Second son of Jacob. Takes the lead on "Those Canaan Days"

Levi: Third son of Jacob.

Judah: Fourth son of Jacob. Takes the lead on "Benjamin Calypso".

Dan: Fifth son of Jacob.

Naphtali: Sixth son of Jacob.

Gad: Seventh son of Jacob.

Asher: Eighth son of Jacob.

Issachar: Ninth son of Jacob.

Zebulun: Tenth son of Jacob.

Benjamin: Twelfth son of Jacob. Joseph accuses him of stealing the golden cup.

The Wives: The wives of Jacob. The actresses playing the wives also double as Egyptians and servants of Potiphar.

Ishmaelites: Men of the desert, they buy Joseph as a slave, take him to Egypt, and sell him to Potiphar.

Adult chorus

Children's chorus

French Creek Theatre is located within the French Creek Nature & Arts Center
4530 Colorado Ave
Sheffield Village, 44054

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