[NEohioPAL] Alto needed for Midnight mass - PAID

via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Dec 13 10:39:57 PST 2016

Mary Queen of Peace, a Catholic church in Cleveland's Old Brooklyn neighborhood, has an opening for a temporary ALTO chorister to sing in the semi-professional Parish Choir of Mary Queen of Peace and the all professional Schola Cantorum of Mary Queen of Peace.  The church is located at 4423 Pearl Road, Cleveland, OH.

Must have excellent sight reading ability, as well as ability to blend.  Must be able to learn music outside of rehearsal and be prepared to rehearse music knowing part.

The comittment for the choir is one to two Thursday evening rehearsals from 6:30 - 8:30 pm, and Christmas Midnight Mass  

The choir and schola's repertoire ranges from Gregorian chant to Renaissance polyphony to modern choral music, with polyphony and other early music forming the backbone of the repertoire.

The choir and schola's reputation have earned them invitations to sing at other venues outside of Mary Queen of Peace, including Rosary Cathedral in Toledo.  Last year, the schola took part in a celebration of Catholicism of the East and West, sponsored by Notre Dame College.

Compensation is commensurate with experience and education.

For more information about the choir and music program, see www.maryqopmusic.org 

To audition, please contact the Director of Music, David Jaronowski at davidjaronowski at aol.com

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