[NEohioPAL] Contributing to NEohioPAL

via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Jan 30 04:40:08 PST 2017

Greetings Creative Colleagues,
One day I was cold and needed a sweater.
I went to the sweater store and asked the shopkeeper if I could borrow a
sweater and wear it whenever I needed it.
He seemed confused and thought he would prefer to be paid for the sweater
since he had done all the work to locate the sweater, and order it, and pay
for it, and open the store and all.

One day I was in need of a gig.
So I went to NEohioPAL and found loads of interesting stuff that got
delivered right to my email constantly. I read it all the time, got some
jobs from the postings and shared a lot of the information with others and
sometimes they got jobs, too.
I wanted to use it all for free whenever I happened to need it.
Then I remembered how the shopkeeper wanted me to pay for the sweater.
And how public radio asks me to pay for listening every single day.
And then Fred asked me to pay for NEohioPAL -- whatever I could afford...
And so I did.

It's all about supporting each other.
It's all about being in this Life Business together.

THANK YOU, FRED -- You are amazing!!!
May 2017 be a fabulously successful year for us all --
and may we measure success by the kindness we show ourselves, each other
and this magnificent planet.

*Stories can save us. Stories enable us to see others as worthy of love,
and therefore worth fighting for. Everyone has a story. Which story have
you yet to tell? Whose story have you yet to hear?*
*​  *-
valarie kaur
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