[NEohioPAL] APPLY: AD/ASM for "Sundiata" at Talespinner Children's Theatre

TCT Intern via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Mar 7 09:36:10 PST 2017

Talespinner Children's Theatre is looking for Assistant Stage
Manger/Assistant Director for Nina Domingue’s “Sundiata,” the second
production in TCT's 6th season, producing professional works for youth.
This is a paid position.

To apply: Send resume and an email outlining which position you are
interested in to dt.talespinnerchildrenstheatre at gmail.com.

Assistant Stage Manger/Assistant Director Responsibilities:
Work in tandem with Production Stage Manager; Attend production meetings;
Facilitate communication between SM, Designers, Director; Assist in
rehearsal preparation; Assist in posting of rehearsal reports, cast
information; Implement production notes; Attend and assist in tech week;
Oversee rehearsals as directed/needed; Sub for PSM should need arise;
Reports directly to PSM.

Time commitment:
“Sundiata,” rehearsals are Sunday-Thursday evenings, May 1 - June 9 (Tech
week June 2 - 9).
All rehearsals are mandatory unless conflicts are cleared with supervisor
at start of process.

Talespinner Children’s Theatre is at 5209 Detroit Ave., Cleveland 44102.

*We wear many hats here at TCT. Our team wants you to benefit from a
well-rounded experience and by spending time on areas in which you'd like
to see yourself grow. We have a thriving education department, an
innovative, grass-roots marketing department and a respected theatrical
production team on staff with diverse perspectives on the art of theatre.
We want to work together to expose you to any and all areas of our small
non-profit theatre company as you see fit during your time here.

Talespinner Children's Theatre is a Cleveland-based company that develops
and produces highly imaginative, original, collaborative and interactive
professional works for children that also stimulate creative growth in its
artists. At any time, these pieces may involve acting, dance, music,
puppetry, tumbling, drumming, and numerous other artistic disciplines as
imagined by the artistic teams working with and for TCT, and are open to
all creative possibility. TCT's aim is to bring theatre to the community in
its fullest form providing excitement, growth and joy for all who are
involved in and/or touched by its work.
Talespinner Children's Theatre strives to reach across socio-economic,
cultural and traditional boundaries to help awaken and bring better
understanding by opening eyes, ears, hearts and imaginations in the young
people (and artists) of Cleveland and its surrounds.

TCT creates work that remembers that children are smaller people, not
lesser people.

To apply, please email TCT Director of Marketing and Development Devon
Turchan at dt.talespinnerchildrenstheatre at gmail.com with your resume and
any questions you might have.
5209 Detroit Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44102

Marketing and Box Office
Talespinner Children's Theatre

*2017 Season*
*Red Onion, White Garlic (a Tale of Indonesia) *April 8 - 30
by David Hansen, directed by Katelyn Cornelius

*Sundiata (a Tale of Mali) *June 10 - July 2
by Nina Domingue Glover, directed by Nina Domingue Glover & Nathan Lilly

*The Rainbow Serpent (A Tale of Aboriginal Australia) *Sept. 16 - Oct. 8
by Christopher Johnston, directed by Alison Garrigan

*Mr. Scrooge's Ghosts (A Dickens of a Holiday Tale) *Nov. 25 - Dec. 17
by Michael Sepesy, directed by Alison Garrigan

Reinberger Auditorium | 5209 Detroit Ave. - Cleveland, Ohio 44102 |
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