[NEohioPAL] CPT needs Volunteers for Station Hope April 29th

Jessica Lucas via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri Mar 10 11:13:16 PST 2017

Volunteer At Station Hope!
We need your support as we create this incredible and unique event for the fourth year!

Station Hope is a collection of short works of theatre, dance, choir performances and visual art installations, all inspired by current social justice issues and being performed throughout Cleveland's first authenticated Underground Railroad site, St. John's Episcopal Church in Ohio City.   The event aims to bring together neighborhoods and individuals to engage and reflect on social justice, equity, and a shared vision of hope.

We need a large team of volunteers to help with monitoring traffic flow throughout the event, answering attendee questions, and generally supporting the CPT staff in running of an event that involves over 200 artists, and spans many different stages!  The best part is, there are two separate volunteer shifts, which allows volunteers to experience the event as audience members as well!

If you are interested, contact Jessica Lucas at CPT via email: jlucas at cptonline.org<mailto:jlucas at cptonline.org>.  We will hold two Volunteer meetings before Station Hope, on Sunday, April 23rd at 1pm and Tuesday, April 25th at 5:30pm.  These meetings are an opportunity for CPT staff to fill volunteers in on more details, and for volunteers to tour St. John's - and maybe see some artist work before the big day!

Jessica Lucas
Production Manager - Station Hope
Cleveland Public Theatre
216-631-2727 x235
jlucas at cptonline.org

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