[NEohioPAL] CADA Spring Acting & Improv classes begin March 25

Wendy Duke via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Sat Mar 11 11:18:47 PST 2017

The Center for Applied Drama & Autism is pleased to announce our spring
slate of classes on Saturdays from March 25 to May 27.

We are located in the Evans Building at the corner of S Main St and E
Exchange St in downtown Akron, OH 44308.

Register online at www.centerforada.org or contact us at 330-595-4565 or by
email at info at centerforada.org

*Spring into Improv!*

For all ages and abilities

Saturdays 9:30am - 10:30am

10 weeks, $250

Instructors: Dean Coutris and Ruben Ryan of Just Go With It, Akron’s only
long form improv troupe!

*Our improv class encourages collaboration, curiosity and creativity. Our
instructors create a fun and supportive environment that allow the
participants to explore, develop, and succeed using the art of theatre

*All the World’s A Stage *

Ages 8-13

Saturdays 10:45am - 11:45am

10 weeks, $250

Instructors: Wendy Duke & Laura Valendza

*For young people who enjoy role play and acting out stories, with a focus
on adventure tales, superheroes and sidekicks, animal trickster tales and a
wee bit of Shakespeare!*

*Next Stage: Transitions Workshop *

Ages 14-18

Saturdays 1:30pm - 2:30pm

10 weeks, $250

Instructors: Wendy Duke & Laura Valendza

*For young people on the spectrum who are getting ready for a transitional
time in their lives, moving from middle to school to high school to college
to career. Through work on a collaborative theatre project, participants
will be rehearsing the skills they will need in real life as well as the
stage. *

*Girl Power!*

Ages 12 - 16

Saturdays 2:45 - 3:45

10 weeks, $250

Instructors: Laura Valendza & Debora Totti Cranendonk

*Our Girl Power class will allow girls to develop respect for and
understanding of self and others all while having fun participating and
developing improvisational skills, characters and scenes specifically
designed for girls on the spectrum.*

*Individual Sessions*

All ages & abilities

$25 an hour

Instructors: Laura Valendza/Wendy Duke

*Individual sessions can include, but are not limited to, preparation for
auditions, and coaching in voice and monologue work. Individual drama
therapy sessions, tailored to the individual’s needs, that can provide
healing and empowerment through creative play, narradrama, and other drama
therapy techniques.*

The Center for Applied Drama and Autism is committed to providing
theatre-based opportunities for individuals on the Autism Spectrum, those
with cognitive and/or physical disabilities and their communities.  Our
classes are inclusive and open to people of all abilities. Some classes are
designed to be age or gender specific to meet the needs of a particular

We have created a safe and welcoming space where those who love theatre can
grow and develop as performers and as human beings. Neurotypical actors are
welcome to take our classes. By encouraging individual and collaborative
success through drama in an inclusive, safe environment that celebrates
diversity and the joy of the creative arts, CADA supports social and
emotional well-being, growth and empowerment.

*Wendy Duke*
*The Center for Applied Drama and Autism*
email: wendy at centerforada.org <laura at centerforada.org>
telephone: 330.687.4177
web: centerforada.org
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