[NEohioPAL] Audition for Webseries

Stephanie Fields via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Mar 16 06:13:25 PDT 2017

I am a subscriber to Neohiopal and would like to post a notice about auditions I am holding for a web series filming in Cleveland late May - early July. 
More info about the series and auditions are below: 
The web series follows a young, black, queer PhD student who enters into an existential crisis when her idol turns out to be the opposite of who she thought they were. On top of defining her identity she is also struggling to complete a dissertation that her advisor is not in total support of all while trying to be a competent maid of honor for her sister's wedding. 
Auditions will be held at: 
Independence Library Conference room6361 Selig Dr. Independence, OH 44131
The audition time is from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 
Please respond with three times that you are available. Plan for about 15-20 min audition. 
Below are the list of characters, please inform me of which character(s) you are interested in auditioning for. I will respond with a selected audition time and sides. 
Glory (28, black, woman PhD student, quirky, anxious)

Melissa - (27, black, woman, Film student, artsy, confident)

Toni - (25, black, woman, Mother, confident, boistrous, witty)

Desia - (19, black, woman, Undergrad Student, curious, blunt)

Michelle - (42, black, woman, Playwright, earthy, uppity, dramatic)

Dr. Naylor - (45, black, woman College Professor, bookish, serious)

Terri - (80, black, woman Writer/Icon, impatient, brutaly honest)

We are also casting for extras. If you know of any other actresses who may be interested please feel free to forward along and have them contact me. 
Thank you,


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