[NEohioPAL] Important Information About Posting to NEOPAL

Noah Budin via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Fri May 19 20:59:37 PDT 2017

Dear NEOPAL Posters - 
For any questions about posting to the list, check the FAQs: http://www.fredsternfeld.com/neohiopal-faqs/. Really. Do it. There's a lot of good information there and it will save you time and aggravation, and probably get you better results when posting.

But, here's something important:
Please remember to include ALL relevant information in the body of your post, especially contact information. It seems pretty basic, but if you are hoping for a response to your post, people need to now how to find you. Don't count on people being able to see your personal email address just from the act of posting alone. It's not like sending an email directly from your address to a person, or group of people, from your address book. 
You'd be surprised at how many people post without including any contact information, and how many times the moderators (Fred and me) get emails from people trying to contact those posters, asking if we can help. Usually, we can't. If you're looking for work, or clients, or people to audition for you, or any kind of response whatsoever, include your contact info in the body of the post, or, chances are, you won't get any responses. And, worse, you'll frustrate the people who do want to contact you, and run the risk of alienating them, losing any future opportunities.
In fact, anonymous posts usually get rejected and do not get posted at all.
(However, for instance, if you're the piano player who recently announced that you were available to work, and included your name but did not include any way to contact you, you've possibly lost a summer gig. I know this because I've heard from someone who was trying to contact you. The purpose of this list is to connect the arts community in NE Ohio and help provide opportunities. We do have an "only post about the same subject every 7-8 days" rule, but if you recognize yourself as the piano player in this scenario, go ahead and resend the post WITH YOUR CONTACT INFO, and we'll put it through.)

Thanks, Noah Budin
NEOPAL Assistant Admin.
My Indiegogo Campaign  is officially over. But, to see what I'm working on, click the link. If you'd still like to support the project, email or message me privately.
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